Tuesday, March 20, 2012


By Information Department

The three members of the secessionist group, Mthwakazi Liberation Front, who are jointly facing treason trial, appeared in the Bulawayo High Court yesterday (Monday 20 March 2012). The three Paul Siwela, John Gazi and Charles Thomas are being charged with distributing subversive material that is deemed to have been aimed at inciting the people of Zimbabwe or a section thereof to overthrow a legitimate government and create a separate Mthwakazi state.
Yesterday 2 out of 11 key state witnesses were cross examined and they both failed to identify the accused persons.
The packed High Court gallery was treated to a fun filled court session as the state prosecutor seemed to be struggling to get his details on track. At one time he announced that the three are facing charges of murder and at one moment the judge told him that ‘it seems you do not know what you are reading’.
The case continues today at the High Court of Bulawayo.

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