Monday, September 21, 2009


The upgrading and construction of schools remains a priority for the Gwanda Rural District Council (RDC).
This was revealed during a Gwanda RDC Social Services Committee meeting that was held in Gwanda on Friday 18 September 2009. Habakkuk Trust’s Local Governance Officer, Miss N Moyo and the Programme Coordinator, Miss B Gumbo attended the meeting in which they also gave a briefing on the work that Habakkuk Trust is doing in Matabeleland South. Habakkuk Trust has in the past worked in Mat South as Secretariat of the Give a Dam Campaign and in July this year unrolled the Local Level Advocacy Programme in Gwanda’s ward two. Through this programme the communities have identified the issue of schools as a major concern and working together with Habakkuk Trust are engaged in advocacy around this issue.

Of particular note is the case of Wilikisa Primary School which the Zhukwe East and West communities identified during the Advocacy Training stage and affirmed as an issue of concern in the public meeting that ensued. The Councillors said the construction of the schools should be a priority and the schools should be registered with the Ministry of Education, Sports, Arts and Culture.
It is indeed a positive development that Gwanda RDC has made it a priority, as it makes it easy for the Zhukwe community to advocate on the issue.

To ensure that the advocacy process is an informed one, Habakkuk Trust, through its Local Governance desk keeps abreast with council activities and ensures that information trickles down to the communities through its action teams.

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